One month ago I posted this blog entry on RealWorldMath.org
"Today I am officially throwing my hat in with the growing community of educators that use Instructional Technology. I hope this site will help bring a fresh approach to the way math is taught. Not to be forgotten is the technological skills students will learn and inevitably carry with them in the future. Please support these efforts by recommending the site to at least one other person. Math lessons needn’t be constrained by the pages of a text. I hope this site will show students that math is truly a subject of the real world."
The response to the website has been more than I had hoped for. To date, the site has been visited over 4,600 times and it has received favorable reviews in a number of blogs, webpages, and emails. As you may know, the one problem with the site has been the Community blog page. I built RealWorldMath with iWeb, and the template's blog page has not accepted outside comments. This has troubled me, as collaboration was intended to be an important feature of the site. And so...
The Community blog for RealWorldMath.org will be accomplished here using Blogger.
As always, please offer your comments, critiques, and suggestions in this Blog. If you would like to submit a Google Earth lesson please email it to 4realworldmath@gmail.com for consideration.