The Updates page of Real World Math should have some lessons added to it this summer. I have some ideas to work on but I hope to get some of your creations as well. I teach math to middle school students and so most of the material on the website is appropriate for those grades, but I'm sure there's room to grow up and down. Any ideas?
I have used some of the RWM lessons with my students, but not all. I've reloaded some material to correct errors. Please feel free to point out any mistakes you come across - only, can I ask that you do that through the email address (4realworldmath@gmail.com) and not in the comments section of this blog. I'm also learning how to edit Google Earth annotations in html and so I'll be reformatting some of the lessons with that also. Check back to this blog and the Update page of Real World Math for new lessons and posts. Who says teachers have the summers off?
Update: All Google Earth Kmz files for Real World Math have been edited, re-formatted, and re-loaded. Please report any errors. 7/10/08