I am introducing RWM lessons to a new batch of students this year. So far, the students have reacted positively to any effort that takes them outside of their math textbooks. Unfortunately the first lessons normally turn out to be an exercise on synchronizing e-mail accounts. To anyone starting out there, I recommend having your students create a Gmail account specifically for the purpose of receiving and submitting school assignments. As mentioned in the previous post, I have taken the approach of teaching Google Earth skills as part of the first activities. The students have learned how to send Google Earth kmz files via e-mail, create and annotate folders, and draw paths. I am confident this preparation will help to eliminate problems in future lessons.
Good luck with the lessons and keep the hits coming!

More power to you, Tom! Your site is a proof of your dedication and commitment to excellence in education. I am inspired with your work. May you inspire a lot more students in your class to be the best they can be!
Hello again. I'm working on Math 2.0 in Gran Canaria, SPAIN. The main goal is to do real world math, as well... ;O) See this [1] and enjoy!! It's written in spanish but I hope you can figure out the main ideas...
my email: cmorsoc@gmail.com
Carlos Morales Socorro
[1] http://www.smpm.es/Actividades/concursoexperiencias/documentos/i-200-clepsidra.pdf
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